Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How Fast Time Flies

Dear diary..today is the sad story of me..missing her one and only son..as time passing by..without me noticing that my little baby has grown up so fast..

Tomorrow..my baby will be in school..oh my..my baby is growing up now..how fast time flies..by looking at him..i've realized that me myself is growing older too...

This entry i wrote is dedicated to my one and only extraordinary son..DANISH HAIKAL..

Hope someday he will be able to read and see how much he really means to me..

1 November 2004, 8.44 am - a child was born...my child..my precious..my pumpkin..so tiny yet so adorable..anugerah dari Allah yg tak terhingga buat diriku..

He'll become 7 in 2011..start schooling..and i will miss everything about his past..

Dia selalu buat aku happy bila aku resah

Dia selalu memujuk aku bila aku sedih

Dialah peneman setia di setiap masa

Dialah si bulat..who always make my days...

Hati jadi sayu bila tetiba berfikir yang dia akan terus membesar..dan sampai satu saat tiada lagi ciuman dan pelukan sayang darinya...tiada lagi gaya gedik dia..tiada lagi soalan2 cepumas yg kadangkala kita pun x terpikir..

Akan tetapi dia akan terus jadi penyeri hidupku..and will always be my pumpkin..my soul..


  1. wah...dah masuk sekolah yer. dah besar si haikal tuh.

  2. tu la..cepat jer masa berlalu..rasa mcm dia masih baby jer..huhu
