Biar pun apa yang orang lain fikir tentang aku..sesungguhnya hanya aku tahu siapa diri aku..kita tak mampu mengubah persepsi orang terhadap kita..mungkin ada yg adore kita..mungkin ada yang tak suka atau mungkin ada yang benci..just let it be..coz we cannot satisfy everyone..untuk family aku yang sentiasa menyayangi all mean the whole to my hubby.. I love you much more today than I did yesterday.. I do hope that our love will remain strong every complete my little prince..mama will always be with you and love you so much..every little time with you give me strength and so my mum..thank you for bringing me to this world..thank you for loving me..thanks for your’re the greatest mom in the world..for my beloved late’ve left me since I was young..but I remember you..I remember your love..I hope you’ll rest in peace.. amin..
My wish for coming 2010 is to become a better person and gain happiness in this world and hereafter.. insya allah..
My wish for coming 2010 is to become a better person and gain happiness in this world and hereafter.. insya allah..